
domenica 27 novembre 2011

Rendez-vous du Carnet de Voyage, Clermont Ferrand

Rendez-vous du Carnet de Voyage - mon livre d'or

Rendez-vous du Carnet de Voyage - mon livre d'or

With a week of delay, I’ve finally rubbed a punch of minutes to write about the most beautiful art event I had the luck to be invited to be part of, the 12th Edition of Biennale of the Carnet de Voyage, named the Rendez-vous du Carnet de Voyage, which was from 18 to 20th November in the beautiful and peaceful city of Cloermont-Ferrand, not faraway from Lyon.

Claudia and I, accustomed to other artistic and/or cultural event in Italy, was immediately hit by the perfect organization and warm welcome of the Association “Il faut aller voir” in the huge and beauty Polydrome, where the biennale took play. Just think that we also can had a parking for our car without paying nothing…just saying: “hello, this is Stefano Zamblera, I have to expose at the Rendez-vous”… incredible!!!

After a day passed in setting up my stand, number 237 , just few steps from Faravelli’s who had number 232, we then discovered the most famous Creperie in Clermont and have a nice dinner eating any sort of salade and sweet creep, and a delicious icecream!!!

The 1st day of Biennale, many classes of pupils were taken there to visit our stands, and we was literally submerged by boys and girls askin’ me to paint a dragon or a Chuette (°.°) … a very nice time (lasted all the day!!!) in which it was possible to touch by hand how much could be enveloped the school in the art activities…, and how good are the teachers which get out from class to make pupils breathe the air is in your city; pupils are going to be the citizen of tomorrow,,,ain’t them?

The second and third day of Biennale, we spend many many ours in chatting with people who passed by our stand, asking about the tecniques I used in my paintings, asking for the places I visited and painted, and many many competent questions I was so glad to answer…

I really felt satisfied and stimulate in going on with some works I’ve just thought about, but never dare to invest the few free-time I still have from daily life made of completely different things about art and peindre!!!

Finally I’m so happy to have met in Clermont Marco Pallini [Palmar] as a so good friend and so good artist,,,his watercolors and his book focused on Trabocchi is simply delicious and amazing!!!

I’m so happy to have shared such fantastic days with Stefano Faravelli, master of painting, philosophy, art, and a dear friend!!! Claudia and I were so happy to have met Madame Marie-hélène Puget, with her Carnes Marin she was for us the best artist we discovered here, and we used to love to get to her stand in the so few free-time we had to leave our stand, watching at her incredible style o f painting by ink and crayons!!!

Finally….backing home!!! I have the Guestbook I just prepared for people to sign-up, paint, drawing and make whatever they’dd like to do!!! Just start to work hard and happy for the next Rendez-vous and for the Barcellona event of the Book of Art,,, à bientot!!!

Conclusion: just say…yet another day and yet another time there!!! And I am so happy that many many people which passed at my stand, signed or did something, or just take a look to the guestbook see Sofia Brugnatelli’s portrait and maybe take a look to her “Gli ulissi ebrei”

L'articolo Rendez-vous du Carnet de Voyage, Clermont Ferrand sembra essere il primo su XIUART.

martedì 4 ottobre 2011

中国2011 – Carnet de Voyage

The first plate of my Carnet de Voyage on Japanese Moleskine dedited to 2011 trip in China.

Lot of work to do now, really few time for painting and working on this Carnet which will be very hot and sur, as according to the experiences made in beloved China.

sabato 24 settembre 2011

China 2011 pics on Digital Journal

On my Digital Journal I've just finished to upload and prepare the galleries and albums of the hundreds of pictures I've taken in the trip of this summer in China, from Beijing to Henan, backing to Beijing via Shanxi. I'm just working on my China 2011 Carnet de Voyage painting, patchworking and writing about the feelings of the travel, that's were I'll put myself inside, with the lot of changes, as only any trip to China can do! The song which I use to listen since I was back is DT Stylee by John & Roy, and perfectly describes by music and lyrics some feelings I gently got from someone of our travel crew, so just quote! Hitting downtown today, I see you and try to say hey But you're tripping over yourself and you're looking in poor health You're a long way from home and you're standing there all alone With a half full bottle beside From the day you're trying to hide I admit, this is bothering me as I feel positive energy But your negative vibe's taken hold of my mind, body, and soul I don't mean no disrespect, I just see all this neglect And it's making me feel sad What's the life that you have had? I know this lifestyle is not your first choice And I know what you're saying to me is not your only voice And I know you understand something, that this ain't no way to be living I hope one day that you will rise Out the dark and clear your eyes See the life you are abusing Make it good and start again Find yourself a place to cal home Somewhere where you're not alone Somewhere where you feel good about yourself Where happiness is your source of wealth    

lunedì 2 maggio 2011

盖娅是在听光的 – Gaia en ecutent les lumières

光后盖娅  Guang hou Gaia - lumières après Gaia

盖娅是在听光的 - Gaia en ecutent les lumières

盖娅是在听光的 – Gaia en ecutent les lumières ; pastel à l’huile Sennelier sur papier, 80 x 60 cm.

mercoledì 20 aprile 2011

Regionali Wushu 2011 – Montecatini

Regionali Wushu 2011 - Montecatini

Regionali Wushu 2011 - Montecatini

Domenica 17 Aprile si sono svolti c/o il Palaterme di Montecatini i campionati Regionali di Wushu, validi per le qualifiche ai Nazionali che si svolgeranno a Maggio a Salerno. Un bellissimo momento di aggregazione e ritrovo fra amici, compagni e fratelli di Wushu!!!