
mercoledì 27 agosto 2008

Beijing Olympics and Wushu competitions

Beijing 2008 OlympicsSome Beijing 2008 Olympics Wushu competition movies retrived from

I'm asking to myself about FiWUK silence of Xu Huihui silver medal in Daoshu and Gunshu competition...

Leabhar Cheanannais decorations and Iconography

This TEI - Xml page is dedicated to Iconography and decorations study in my work dedicated to Leabhar Cheanannais.

As first I mean to introduce some decoration motifs of Kells and its artistic background to identify patterns, motifs, styles, influences and inspiration: ornaments repertoire employed in Leabhar Cheanannais had long been in development in manuscript art and applied crafts.

Circle with decoration from folio 33 rectum

Circle decored from folio 33 rectum

discs with spiral motifs, engraved disc from Donore, Meath country

Disc with spiral motifs, engraved disc from Donore, Meath country

Leabhar Cheanannais study are going to be update often and many corrections in TEI encoding will birth as soon as I can. Next step will be encoding of a full text page with capitals miniates as experiment of complex TEI encoding implementation.

Process of capitals letters encoding with entity declaration could be as complex as Dongba pictograms encoding by entities declaration in TEI header.