I wish to underline importance of Updatable features of such system - which I feel is needed - because of continous evolution of myself and academic scores in studying Dongba nad Geba writing systems and Naxi culture.
I am implementing such resource under PHP <--> MySql couple, that's because I feel MySql as the best database instrument for building digitals archives and structured databases as Dongba pictographs corpus, and PHP as the dearest and the flexiblest instrument available at today to generate intelligent and dynamic queries targeting Dongba pictographic writing system significants corpus stored in MySql database; some hidden fields of database should work as Ontology for hierarchy relationship between family, subfamily and single pictographs.
Cluadia's got two main resources: Index Plates of Dongba Pictographs and English-Dongba, Dongba-English dictionary.
Index plates consist in a tree of family and sub-family of pictographs stored and gathered by ICONOGRAPHIC features. Please visit previously dedicated page for correct usage. Each plates of pictographs are implemented as index archives of pictograph, labelled by capital keyletter for Family and minus keyletter for sub-Family of pictographs, then each elements has its own identification number, as in Gardiner appendix Hyeroglyphiv dictionary in it's landmark work "Egyptian Grammar". Such indexing realize a precious resource for future complete pictograph dictionary, and CL.A.U.D.I.A. is just its computational implementation.
CL.A.U.D.I.A.'s Dongba dictionary is implemented with 3 main resources. At first a fast free-keywords search-engine realized to lounch interrogation query on pictograph databse. Please, note that EACH QUERY WILL GENERATE 2 MAIN FILEDS OF DATA RETRIEVING: on the top a DIRECT MATCHING SCORE, with the output of the whole pictograph directly matched in its traduction to the keyword of research; down an INDIRECT MATCHING SCORE, constituted by the group of pictographs retrieved because of theyr indirect matching - but existing relation - with the keywords of the query lounched. Such Information Retrival System is yet implementing.
Claudia's Dongba dictio also presents initials syllables system as tags. Please visit English <--> Donga cidian dedicated intro page to better understand power and limitation of CL.A.U.D.I.A. 1.0.

羞龙. 四月, 九号, 二零零九年